Las Fallas return to Valencia from September 1 to 5
Las Fallas return to Valencia from September 1 to 5
2021-08-30 12:50:47

Barcelona Nord Station takes you to enjoy these magnificent parties


This month from September 1 to 5, the Fallas of Valencia will be celebrated with its traditional Reception of the ninots, its floral offering and its well-known Mascletà, which you can learn in detail in its Fallas 2021 Program.

This year like so many others, the Barcelona Nord Bus Station takes you to Valencia in a safe and comfortable way, so that you can enjoy these magnificent festivals full of tradition, magic and fun with complete peace of mind.


Come and feel the music and the show that will make you thrill while everything fills with color!

Just enjoy, we will take you.


Check all the schedules available at: https://barcelonanord.barcelona/en/timetable